I don't know what happened to last week, but it is l o n g g o n e. I'm not even sure if I was around when it zipped in and out. This is what I missed out on for blogging last week.

June 23--Favorite Blog Post you've written before this challenge.
June 24--Favorite eco-friendly thing to do.
June 25--Ideal day of "me time".
June 26-- What does your significant other do that makes your heart melt?
June 27--What's the best gift you've ever received?
June 28--How do you do your laundry?? Give your laundry tricks.
22: Easy, an astronaut. Ask me how many women astronauts there were, and I'll tell you. None. So what made me think that I could be an astronaut? Go figure. It's like my favorite birthday gift was my chemistry set. I would sit under the oleanders and make purple stuff and smelly stuff. I don't remember what it was, but it was fun. Dolls? Nah. Bicycles and climbing trees. Yay! I also wanted to be a veterinarian, but the school cost too much money. So what did I end up becoming? One of the few female dominated occupations of the time--a nurse. And I loved it. I loved nurturing and teaching and caring for people. I still do even though I can't work any more. And now they have female astronauts.
23: Easy, my first one. Because it got me started writing again. The first post is boring and has no pictures; the content is irrelevant to anyone but me. But I wrote it.
24: Easy again, raising my chickens. I've been doing it for 16 or so years, and I love it. This year we had our first ever home grown chick. See this post.
25: My me time is usually when I go to knitting groups to crochet, which is becoming more frequent. It used to be just Saturday afternoons, then Thursday evening. Sometimes Tuesday morning. Now also Monday evening, just added a sometimes Tuesday evening. And, I just started the Duke City Hookers on Friday mornings. I'm just full of myself, aren't I.
26: We've been married for 25 years now, and melting just isn't happening as much as it used to. But, lest you think our relationship is doomed, what does happen is a lot of giving and caring, mutual respect, and a whole lot of letting go. But for the gooey stuff, I am so appreciative of the way he is unflaggingly committed to being a good caretaker of his family. Whether that involves going to work, day after day, or climbing up on the roof for the third time this summer to repair the water hose to the swamp cooler, or washing the dinner dishes, it all goes into his bank account as a great guy. He does so much for me. It's seemingly small things like bringing the fan out to me or making sure I have the right kind of original, unsweetened, unflavored almond milk.
27: Another easy one. The absolute, very best gift I've received is the unconditional love and mercy of God.
28: Fortunately for me, the only laundry I do is my own. My husband has always washed his own, and I saw no reason to change that, we split up doing the kids laundry, but I taught my kids at a very early age how to do their own. So if they didn't have clean clothes, it was their fault. My DH is a great enabler though, and he would usually wash something for them. But I prefer to do my own because I'm picky about my clothes. I like to hand mine on the line, so I add softener to the wash. And I don't like my clothes to get wrinkled so they get hung up right away. I did see a blog recipe for homemade laundry detergent that I'd like to try. The older I get, the more sensitive I seem to be to chemicals. It's probably from the years of accumulation.
There, I'm caught up for a few minutes.
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