Jul 29, 2012

Some Things I Didn't Know When I Was Young

July 29- How does your life measure up to the vision you had when you were younger?

When I was younger, I never thought I would be so, so tired
When I was younger, I never thought I would be fat
When I was younger, I never thought I could be so happy
When I was younger, I never knew what it meant to love---until I had children
When I was younger, I never knew what a marriage was meant to be---until I married Mike
Mike, on our 25th wedding anniversary
Me, on our 25th wedding anniversary


  1. Congratulations on 25 years of marriage! You both look so happy in the pictures. Your comment: "When I was younger, I never knew what it meant to love---until I had children" is so true. I feel the same way about my daughters.

    1. That is just the most amazing and painful feeling.

  2. Congrats on such a successful marriage@ if only everybody who married could stay together like that.

    You can read my post:

    1. Thank you Shannon. We live in such a disposable society and I think people would rather throw away a marriage than work on it. It takes a lot of work.


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